GCF/B.37/03/Add.02: Consideration of accreditation proposals – Addendum II: Accredited entity institutional-level reporting

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GCF/B.37/03/Add.02: Consideration of accreditation proposals – Addendum II: Accredited entity institutional-level reporting
In line with the GCF monitoring and accountability framework per decision B.11/10, this document provides information on the annual self-assessments by accredited entities (AEs), midterm accreditation reviews of AEs, and international access AE annual reports on how they intend to strengthen capacities of, or otherwise support, potential subnational, national and regional entities to meet, at the earliest opportunity, the GCF accreditation requirements, for the period covering the calendar year 2022, as at 31 August 2023.
Document symbol
Document type
Action item
Board meeting
Cover date
02 October 2023