GCF/B.37/17: Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme: revised strategy 2024–2027

GCF/B.37/17: Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme: revised strategy 2024–2027
This document responds to the request of the Board in decision B.33/04 for the Secretariat to present to the Board for its consideration a revised strategy for the Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme. During its thirty-sixth meeting, the Board provided a round of review comments and requested the Secretariat that the revised strategy be aligned with the updated Strategic Plan for the GCF 2024–2027 (USP-2) adopted by the Board in decision B.36/13. This document presents the revised readiness strategy, which is based on the guidance received from the Board during the consideration of the revised strategy at B.36 (specifically, the Board’s direction that the Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme focus on climate programming and direct access) as well as on USP-2. The document has been informed by series of consultations with the Board members and alternate members, national designated authorities, direct access entities, delivery partners, and active observers. It also takes into account conclusions and recommendations from the independent evaluation of the Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme.