GCF/B.39/03/Add.05: Consideration of accreditation proposals – Addendum V: Accreditation assessment of APL136

Document cover for Consideration of accreditation proposals – Addendum V: Accreditation assessment of APL136
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GCF/B.39/03/Add.05: Consideration of accreditation proposals – Addendum V: Accreditation assessment of APL136

This document contains the accreditation assessment conducted by the Secretariat and the Accreditation Panel in accordance with decision B.24/13, and the recommendation by the Accreditation Panel for accreditation of applicant 136 (APL136), the Indian Ocean Commission (IOC), based in Mauritius, for the first accreditation term.

Document symbol GCF/B.39/03/Add.05
Document type
Action item
Board meeting
Cover date 24 June 2024