GCF/B.39/18: Partnerships and Access Strategy

Document cover for Partnerships and Access Strategy
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GCF/B.39/18: Partnerships and Access Strategy

Significantly improving access is a core operational commitment of GCF under its Strategic Plan 2024–2027, which mandated the development of a partnerships and access strategy to clearly articulate the different pathways for enhanced access to GCF financing, and how GCF can engage a range of partners consistent with their own mandates. The goal of this partnerships and access strategy, presented for Board consideration, is:

(i) To clarify the GCF partnership model and pathways for access to GCF financing;

(ii) To identify action lines to guide reform and simplification of GCF access modalities, policies and processes to drive improved speed, scale and impact; and

(iii) To capture opportunities for GCF to drive collaboration across the finance architecture to enhance access to finance for developing country climate action

Document symbol GCF/B.39/18
Document type
Action item
Board meeting
Cover date 01 July 2024