GCF/B.39/Inf.08: Report on the activities of the Secretariat

Document cover for Report on the activities of the  Secretariat
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GCF/B.39/Inf.08: Report on the activities of the Secretariat

This report provides an overview of the progress against the 2024 Secretariat work programme and key deliverables as at 30 April 2024, structured as follows: (a) Summary report highlighting key outcomes and Secretariat observations on the delivery of the 2024 work programme, including challenges and lessons learned; (b) Annex I: Progress against Secretariat 2024 objectives and key deliverables; (c) Annex II: 2024 programming metrics report; and (d) Annex III: Update on regional presence.

Document symbol GCF/B.39/Inf.08
Document type
Board meeting
Cover date 24 June 2024