GCF/BM-2015/Inf.02: Status of Resources and Execution of the Administrative Budget of the Green Climate Fund for 1 January to 31 December 2014

Document cover for Status of Resources and Execution of the Administrative Budget of the Green Climate Fund for 1 January to 31 December 2014
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GCF/BM-2015/Inf.02: Status of Resources and Execution of the Administrative Budget of the Green Climate Fund for 1 January to 31 December 2014

This document reports on the current status of resources, including the efforts to reach effectiveness.

It also reports on the administrative budget of the Green Climate Fund and its Readiness Programme for 1 January to 31 December 2014. It is prepared to provide the Board with information on the actual expenditures for the year to 31 December 2014. The amounts shown are based on the accounts of the Secretariat in Songdo, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in Bonn, and the Interim Trustee in Washington, DC. We have yet to receive a final accounting from UNFCCC and the Interim Trustee for 2014, so there may be some modifications when these are received. Please note that these numbers have not been audited. We expect to present the audited financial statements to the Board at its tenth meeting in June 2015.

The document also provides details on actual expenditures related to readiness activity up to 31 December 2014 against the Board-approved allocation of US$ 1 million.

Document symbol GCF/BM-2015/Inf.02
Document type
Board meeting
Cover date 19 February 2015