Gender action plan for SAP027: Solomon Islands Knowledge-Action-Sustainability for Resilient Villages (SOLKAS) Project

Document cover for Gender action plan for SAP027: Solomon Islands Knowledge-Action-Sustainability for Resilient Villages (SOLKAS) Project
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Gender action plan for SAP027: Solomon Islands Knowledge-Action-Sustainability for Resilient Villages (SOLKAS) Project

This document outlines the gender action plan for project SAP027: Solomon Islands Knowledge-Action-Sustainability for Resilient Villages (SOLKAS) Project. Gender action plans seek to operationalise the constraints and opportunities for women and men identified during the gender analysis towards fully integrating them into the project design.

Cover date 13 July 2023
Document type Gender action plan
Save the Children Australia
Solomon Islands
Project SAP027: Solomon Islands Knowledge-Action-Sustainability for Resilient Villages (SOLKAS) Project