Green City Pilot (GCP) Feasibility Study

Document cover for Green City Pilot (GCP) Feasibility Study
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Green City Pilot (GCP) Feasibility Study

The Rwanda Green City Pilot (GCP) aims to pilot innovative strategies to develop a low carbon and climate resilient neighbourhood, kick start the large scale 'home grown' building material production industry and ensure future development capacity. It aims to create jobs and skills for Rwandans in a new green economy.

Rwanda is seeking a Project Preparation Facility (PPF) grant to undertake the design of the masterplan for the development of the overall Green City Pilot projected to cover 620 HA, as well as to identify and undertake the feasibility studies for climate resilient and low carbon elements that will subsequently support a specific funding proposal to the Green Climate Fund (GCF) that is critical to catalysing the realization of Rwanda’s GCP vision.

Cover date 28 August 2019
Document type Approved project preparation funding application
Ministry of Environment (formerly Ministry of Natural Resources of Rwanda)