Green Climate Finance Facility for fostering Climate-smart agriculture in Senegal

Green Climate Finance Facility for fostering Climate-smart agriculture in Senegal
The programme will enable LBA to offer innovative financial products including a dedicated Line of Credit (LoC) Facility focussing on climate-smart agricultural practices, and the development of financial products such as credit bundled with index-based insurance. As LBA is the main agricultural lender in Senegal, and with increasing pressures of climate change especially across the Sahelian countries, this programme is envisioned to sustainably cushion the Bank against climate change exposure, while simultaneously offering sustainable credit to small and medium-scale farmers, and value chain actors. LBA is seeking to mobilize US$ 644,300.00 of GCF grant resources to undertake the activities and studies identified in this PPF to perform analysis that will inform the design of technically and financially sound funding proposal that will be able to meet the requirements of the GCF while supporting the transformational potential and climate impact of the programme.
PPF support from the GCF is thus sought to fill in gaps in terms of information, stakeholder consultations, and assessment of potential adaptation options, and to develop the full Funding Proposal. The following PPF studies will be undertaken:
- Programme Baseline study and market analysis
- Feasibility study of the Digital lending Platform
- Identify Operational Arrangements for a Line of Credit (LoC) Facility
- Programme-level Environmental and Social Management System (ESMS)
- Gender assessment & Gender Action Plan
- Development of the programme’s climate rationale
- Stakeholder Engagement
- Climate impact monitoring tool, including identification and monitoring of key
- performance indicators
- Conduct an Integrated Financial and Economic Analysis (IFEA)
- Climate modelling of target crop systems
- Legal advisory and pre-contract services
- Revision of tender document
- Funding Proposal Package