Innovation for climate resilience of Patagonian grasslands of Argentina: minimizing climate vulnerability of rural inhabitants, increasing capacities for range and soil regeneration, and conserving biodiversity

Innovation for climate resilience of Patagonian grasslands of Argentina: minimizing climate vulnerability of rural inhabitants, increasing capacities for range and soil regeneration, and conserving biodiversity
The main goal of this Readiness and support grant is to develop a strategy for community- and ecosystem-based mitigation and adaptation to climate change of the grasslands of Patagonia that improves the livelihoods and minimizes climate vulnerabilities of rural inhabitants, conserves and increases the resilience of the natural systems they depend upon and helps fulfill Argentina’s commitment on climate change mitigation and adaptation. Moreover, through this readiness and grant support a more solid understanding of the vulnerability of the Patagonia region will be built to identify and promote adaptation and mitigation measures that respond to context-specific needs and support the transformation required to lower emissions, regenerate the landscape, and increase the resilience of the most-at risk communities.