Malekula Water Supply Project: Increase Resilience of Vulnerable and Marginalized Communities of Malekula Island through Integrated Water Resource Management and Ecosystem-based Interventions

Document cover for Malekula Water Supply Project: Increase Resilience of Vulnerable and Marginalized Communities of Malekula Island through Integrated Water Resource Management and Ecosystem-based Interventions
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Malekula Water Supply Project: Increase Resilience of Vulnerable and Marginalized Communities of Malekula Island through Integrated Water Resource Management and Ecosystem-based Interventions

Climate change is reducing the availability of freshwater in Malekula, with groundwater becoming increasingly saline because of sea level rise and more frequent droughts. This is having a significant impact on the lives of vulnerable rural communities. To overcome these impacts, the proposed project will create a climate-resilient water supply system for Malekula, shifting the development pathway away from small, decentralised systems which are vulnerable to climate change, towards larger centralised systems which are more climate-resilient. To achieve this objective, an ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA) approach will be used to ensure reliable and sustainable water supply for ni-Vanuatu communities under future climate conditions, specifically by protecting and restoring ecological infrastructure. Investments will be made into adaptation interventions that lead to sustainable water resources management at the national, provincial and community levels; improve the climate resilience of water supply infrastructure, including emergency supplies; and enhance the climate resilience of catchment management to improve hydrological flow, especially around primary extraction points. The Malampa Water Department will be responsible for on-the-ground implementation, with the Ministry of Climate Change serving as the executing entity at the national level.

Cover date 06 September 2019
Document type Concept note
United Nations Environment Programme