Mitigating GHG emission through modern, efficient and climate friendly clean cooking solutions (CCS)

Document cover for Mitigating GHG emission through modern, efficient and climate friendly clean cooking solutions (CCS)
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Mitigating GHG emission through modern, efficient and climate friendly clean cooking solutions (CCS)

The project aims to surge the use of CCS by instigating the concepts of (i) bulk tendering via reverse auctioning (ii) result based financing and (iii) mainstreaming and capacitating local governments in the renewable energy (RE) sector. Benefitting Nepal’s Terai region, it aligns with the Government’s Terai Madhes Clean Cooking Program and bolsters Nepal’s NDC4 of reducing 50% fossil fuel dependency by 2050 increasing the resilience of the most vulnerable people and communities with health, environmental, gender, social, and economic co-benefits.

Cover date 15 December 2019
Document type Concept note
Alternative Energy Promotion Centre (Nepal)