Moving Towards REDD+ Implementation through Private Sector Engagement in REDD+ Actions

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Moving Towards REDD+ Implementation through Private Sector Engagement in REDD+ Actions

The project is instrumental for transitioning from REDD+ Readiness to Implementation and Results-Based Payments. Cambodia meets Warsaw Framework requirements (National REDD+ Strategy (NRS), National Forest Monitoring System (NFMS), Forest Reference Level (FRL) and Safeguards Information System (SIS)). This project operationalizes these systems and improves access to and robustness of data through the implementation of the first National Forest Inventory (NFI). The project also enforces the emerging Regulatory Framework for REDD+ Projects (nested system), which is critical to enable private finance to support Cambodia's REDD+ objectives. The project seeks to improve sectoral traceability in engaging the private sector in REDD+ actions.

Cover date 03 September 2020
Document type Concept note
United Nations Development Programme