NDA Strengthening and Country Programming support for Ethiopia through Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning

Document cover for NDA Strengthening and Country Programming support for Ethiopia through Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning
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NDA Strengthening and Country Programming support for Ethiopia through Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning

The overall objective of this grant is to enhance Ethiopia’s chance of accessing the Green Climate Fund as potential source of climate finance which can leverage domestic investment to build a climate resilient and low carbon middle income economy. The specific objectives of the grant are to strengthen the institutional capacities of the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MEFCC) as an NDA of Ethiopia, to effectively fulfil its roles and responsibilities related with the Fund, engage with regional, national & sub-national governments, civil society and private sector stakeholders as well as to develop country program through multistakeholders engagement process.

Cover date 29 May 2015
Document type Approved readiness proposal