NDA Strengthening and Country Programming support for Syrian Arab Republic through FAO
NDA Strengthening and Country Programming support for Syrian Arab Republic through FAO
Guided by Syria’s national development policies and priorities, this Readiness proposal will include the preparatory activities to support the set-up of a fully functioning National Designated Authority [NDA], (position is currently filled by a national Focal Point) and his office, including a Steering Committee that supports the NDA in making strategic decisions. This Readiness proposal will further ensure that Syria’s climate profile is assessed and communicated to all relevant officials. The climate profile of Syria, which will be compiled through this Readiness proposal will guide the thematic areas to be included in Syria’s country programme, which is a major output of this proposal. The country programme, drafted through inclusive stakeholder consultations, will guide the Government of Syria to pursue sustainable and cost-efficient adaptation and mitigation investment options and measures and prepare for taking-on larger climate investment projects.