NDA Strengthening and Country Programming support for Viet Nam through the Ministry of Planning and Investment

NDA Strengthening and Country Programming support for Viet Nam through the Ministry of Planning and Investment
In 2013, Viet Nam was officially chosen as one of the ten pilot countries to receive support from the GIZ Climate Finance Readiness Programme and MPI was the official partner for CF Ready. In 2014, this effort was followed‐up by a Climate Finance Training (CliFiT) for MPI and other government officials. In late 2014, the Frankfurt School of Finance/UNEP Collaborating Centre for Climate and Sustainable Energy Finance, funded by CF Ready in coordination with the NDA, conducted initial assessments of institutional capacities of variousline ministries and private sector entitiesin comparison with the direct access requirements of international climate funds, including the GCF. From March to June, 2015, the Frankfurt School of Finance (FSF), with the support of national consultants, conducted a thorough Institutional and Capacity Assessment of the NDA, with the draft report confirming a number of areas that would benefit from readiness support (see Section D of this submission). The objective of this assessment was to identify shortcomings and help MPI to set up the institutional arrangements of the NDA and assessment of existing capacity needed for NDA operations in accordance with the GCF requirements. While the FSF assessment highlighted a number of gaps that fall under the GCF’s Standardized Package for NDA Strengthening and the Standardized Package for Country Programmes, it also underscored the need for additional funds to successful address readiness gaps. This application to the GCF Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme is premised on filling these finance gaps.