Post-approval environmental and social safeguards (ESS) report for FP015: Tuvalu Coastal Adaptation Project (TCAP)

Post-approval environmental and social safeguards (ESS) report for FP015: Tuvalu Coastal Adaptation Project (TCAP)
This document presents relevant environmental and social safeguards (ESS) information about FP015: Tuvalu Coastal Adaptation Project (TCAP). Project and programme funding proposals that have environmental or social impacts are required to provide these reports as annexes to the funding proposals.
The accredited entity, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), has informed the Secretariat of its disclosure of the environmental and social safeguards information under FP015 Tuvalu Coastal Adaptation Project (TCAP), approved by decision B.13/23, para. (h) and restructured under decision B.23/12. One of the conditions in the latter decision provides:
“(ii) Delivery to the GCF by the accredited entity, in a form and substance satisfactory to the GCF Secretariat, of: …(iv) the full and complete environmental and social impact assessment and updated environmental and social management plan, which shall have been disclosed in accordance with the GCF information disclosure policy and within the period for disclosure provided in such policy, which shall be counted in advance of the date in which the fourth disbursement of GCF proceeds is expected to be made”.