Preservation and restoration of ecosystem services with an emphasis on water security for climate change adaptation and mitigation and increased resilience of vulnerable family farmers.

Document cover for Preservation and restoration of ecosystem services with an emphasis on water security for climate change adaptation and mitigation and increased resilience of vulnerable family farmers.
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Preservation and restoration of ecosystem services with an emphasis on water security for climate change adaptation and mitigation and increased resilience of vulnerable family farmers.

The Valles Macroregion of Bolivia is experiencing increasing rainfall variability as a result of climate change. Smallholder farmers are particularly vulnerable in light of greater rainfall unpredictability and land degradation trends. This project will build the capacities of smallholder farmers to adapt their agro-ecosystems to climate change and variability by revitalizing and climate-proofing vulnerable irrigation systems, managing soil, vegetation and rainfall in micro-catchments to enhance long-term water security, and adopting resilience-enhancing agricultural practices and technologies. Institutional capacities will be enhanced to facilitate broad farmer uptake of adaptive sustainable crop, soil and water management technologies in irrigated and rainfed systems, and will provide hydrometeorological information to farmers for improved climate risk management. 131,293 smallholder farmers will benefit directly from this project with a strong focus on women and youth participation.

Cover date 20 December 2019
Document type Concept note
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)