Recharge Pakistan: Building Pakistan’s Resilience to Climate Change through Ecosystem-Based Adaptation for Integrated Flood Risk Management

Recharge Pakistan: Building Pakistan’s Resilience to Climate Change through Ecosystem-Based Adaptation for Integrated Flood Risk Management
The Indus River is Pakistan’s lifeline, and is now experiencing catastrophic floods and droughts exacerbated by climate change. Pakistan relies on costly hard-infrastructure flood and water management measures with limited efficacy. This project will build Pakistan’s climate resilience and water security through cost-effective ecosystem-based adaptation. Recharge Pakistan will: increase water storage and recharge through wetlands, floodplains, and hill-torrents management; promote climate-adapted community-based natural resource management and livelihoods; and forge a paradigm shift to scale up this approach. This project unifies several Government entities in an unprecedented collaboration with WWF-Pakistan to effect nature-based solutions for crucial climate change adaptation in Pakistan.