Scaling the Communal Reserve Co- management Model to Reduce Emissions and Build Resilience of Indigenous People in the Peruvian Amazon

Document cover for Scaling the Communal Reserve Co- management Model to Reduce Emissions and Build Resilience of Indigenous People in the Peruvian Amazon
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Scaling the Communal Reserve Co- management Model to Reduce Emissions and Build Resilience of Indigenous People in the Peruvian Amazon

The Peruvian Indigenous organizations represented by ANECAP, Conservation International (CI) and the Peruvian government seek to develop a GCF Funding Proposal (FP) based on the project Concept Note to create a paradigm shifting GCF project (“the Project”) that will scale the communal reserve co-management model to reduce emissions and build climate resilience of indigenous people in the Peruvian Amazon.

This PPF grant will enable the development and submission of a high-quality FP that ensures project design is informed by rigorous analyses, achieves ownership by stakeholders at all levels, and best serves the priorities of the Government and the Project’s beneficiaries. Funding is being sought from the GCF to gather baseline data and information to: ensure the Project’s feasibility; engage stakeholders to inform the design of the Project interventions; develop inclusive implementation arrangements; identify ambitious but realistic mitigation and adaptation indicators and targets; analyse the Project’s anticipated financial and economic benefits, including a robust sustainability and exit strategy; and develop environmental, social and gender assessments and management plans to ensure equitable and effective project management.

CI Peru, the proposed lead Executing Entity, will lead Proposal development with significant support from DRIS and ANECAP as representatives of the indigenous organizations from Communal Reserves Landscapes (CRLs). CI will contribute technical, operational, and field expertise to review and refine technical inputs from consultancies, ensure holistic Project design, and support consultants with government and stakeholder engagement. The funding proposal will be developed and submitted to the GCF in the first 12 months of PPF grant implementation, followed by up to 8 months of revisions during the GCF review process.

Cover date 27 November 2023
Document type Approved project preparation funding application
Conservation International Foundation