Strategic frameworks support for Armenia through ARMSWISSBANK
The proposed Readiness Project is aimed at designing Green Finance Roadmap, as key political document outlining current state, existing impediments for green finance development and establishing comprehensive vision for green finance strategy contributing to implementation of Armenia’s NDCs and Paris Agreement. The green finance roadmap shall provide a strategic framework to mainstream green finance in the architecture and practice of financial markets and thus, in medium to long term shall contribute to mobilizing private and public capital for green projects in Armenia. The development of the Roadmap with concrete recommendations will be aimed at accelerating the transition from the traditional to “green” financial system. The Roadmap’s goal will be to scale up green finance through summing up the recommendations from all activities and outcomes of the Project, including the current situational stock-taking, best practices review, legal framework analysis, “green finance” manual preparation, private sector engagement and institutionalization of E&S approach in financial sector. The Roadmap and further activities aimed at implementation of the activities proposed will benefit from Repository of “Green Finance Instruments” that will be compiled during project execution stage and further handed over to Central Bank for maintenance and updates upon completion of the Project. As a sector regulator and the main knowledge partner of NDA, the Central Bank along with maintaining the database will take care for periodic briefings for respective staff of NDA engaged in broader effort of enhancing green finance and partnership with climate funds and international organizations. Such established partnership framework, will have important aspect of capacity enhancement and knowledge sharing, thus, contributing towards enhanced capacity of the country to benefit from climate finance opportunities.