Strategic Frameworks support for Honduras through UNEP

Document cover for Strategic Frameworks support for Honduras through UNEP
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Strategic Frameworks support for Honduras through UNEP

The proposed project proposal is aimed at strengthening the strategic planning to engage with the GCF and comply with the national commitments under the Paris Agreement regarding the LULUCF sector, through an overarching approach that will tackle:

  • Strengthening capacities of institutions related to the design and compliance with the national climate change agenda and national commitments under the Paris Agreement, particularly on the LULUCF sector;
  • Strengthening strategic planning to effectively engage with the GCF, regarding the LULUCF commitments under the Paris Agreement, through an update of the NDC, the support of a more robust programme and project portfolio, and a strategic investment priorities identification in the LULUCF sector;
  • Designing and institutionalizing a periodic system to update, monitor and report the LULUCF NDC according to new information.
Cover date 28 January 2018
Document type Approved readiness proposal
United Nations Environment Programme