Strengthen the capacitiesof sub-national authorities and key actors in the water sector to adapt to climate change in the Tuban delta

Strengthen the capacitiesof sub-national authorities and key actors in the water sector to adapt to climate change in the Tuban delta
Yemen has become increasingly vulnerable to water scarcity / declining water resources due to a combination of climate change (esp. related to precipitation and drought patters), crisis impacts (esp. damages, pollution and limited water resource management capacities) and demographic trends (population growth), leading to increasing pressure on water supply services and the sustainability of water dependent livelihoods, especially agriculture. This is leading to food security threats as well. There is a lack of government capacities, especially at the sub-national level and of key actors in the water sector, to identify and prioritize climate change adaptation actions and to attract funding for identified adaptation measures / sub-projects. This is especially relevant for the highly vulnerable Tuban delta.
This proposal will identify specific needs and propose the following solutions.
- Capacity strengthening support, especially at the sub-national level and of key actors in the water sector is required to conduct a climate change vulnerability assessment in the Tuban delta and plan adaptation accordingly.
- Support to conduct a climate change vulnerability assessment in the Tuban delta is required for sub-national authorities and key actors in the water sector to identify adaptation measures / sub-projects in the Tuban Delta. This also includes data collection efforts and analysis
- Attract potential funding to implement identified adaptation measures / sub-projects in the Tuban Delta through pre-feasibility study and concept note development