Strengthening the Brazilian NDA to provide better support to climate change projects and to build its capacity on climate finance to develop new alternatives for attracting national and international capital

Strengthening the Brazilian NDA to provide better support to climate change projects and to build its capacity on climate finance to develop new alternatives for attracting national and international capital
In view of the increased ambition level in the updated Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) and growing domestic interest on climate issues, reflected on the rising number of funding requests and proposals, the Brazilian NDA needs to enhance its role and coordination capacities. Given the diversity of themes or areas for mitigation and adaptation projects, there is a need to create procedures for screening the potential projects and coordinate proponents to avoid overlaps and take advantage of projects' possible complementarities.
This readiness proposal aims to promote the strengthening of the Brazilian NDA’s technical, managerial and coordination capacities, as well as of other key stakeholders, such as: line Ministries (e.g. Environment, Regional Development, Agriculture, Energy, Science & Technology, Women, Family and Human Rights, etc.), the Securities Exchange Commission, and National Accredited Entities (e.g. the National Development Bank), on climate-related issues, and to create tools and procedures to fully take advantage of the country's diverse possibilities for robust and timely project design.