Strengthening capacities and developing strategic frameworks for building low carbon and climate resilient society in the Republic of North Macedonia

Strengthening capacities and developing strategic frameworks for building low carbon and climate resilient society in the Republic of North Macedonia
This readiness, aims to address the above main barriers identified during the implementation of the second readiness, as well as additional challenges that have been illuminated with the country’s evolving climate change agenda. Indeed the recent developments and advancements in the country imply additional institutional capacity needs for its successful coordination of climate activities.
To this end, this readiness will utilize lessons learned from and ensure complementarity and coherence with the previous grants to implement and institutionalize a set of capacity building activities to address the identified needs for long term strategic and sustainable NDA strengthening as well as strengthening of the institutions participating in the country coordination mechanism. More specifically, this grant aims at further supporting:
- the NDA and strategic advisory committee facilitate the development process of funding proposals, including building capacity of FP formulation, and coordinate other GCF activities in the country;
- the process of capacity building of the potential National Direct Access Entity; Specific sectoral institutions and private sector;
- support the process of updating the country work program for the GCF and the project pipeline list;
- the development process of background documents for prioritized climate change interventions in the AFOLU sector.