Strengthening Institutional and Technical Capacity to Support NDC Implementation and Mainstreaming Climate Change into Subnational Development Planning in Mongolia

Strengthening Institutional and Technical Capacity to Support NDC Implementation and Mainstreaming Climate Change into Subnational Development Planning in Mongolia
In its updated NDC approved in November 2019, Mongolia increased its mitigation ambition from 14% to 22.7% reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions compared to business-as-usual (BAU) by 20301- 16,881 thousand tons CO2-eq. Share of the energy sector in total emission reduction is the highest – 66.7% followed by the agriculture sector (31.3%). The NDC also identifies adaptation priorities in the following sectors: animal husbandry and pastureland, arable farming, water, forest, biodiversity, natural disaster prevention, public health, and livelihoods and social safeguards. However despite the commitments made to address climate change, implementation of the NDC remains a challenge and the Government of Mongolia (GOM) has not developed a long term strategy consistent with the goals of the Paris Agreement. Therefore, this grant aims to address some of the barriers to implementation of the NDC and help build the foundations for increased climate ambition consistent with the objectives of the Paris Agreement.