Strengthening the institutional capacity of the Economic and Social Development Agency (ADES) to become a GCF Direct Access Accredited Entity and support the implementation of Chad's climate change programs and strategies

Strengthening the institutional capacity of the Economic and Social Development Agency (ADES) to become a GCF Direct Access Accredited Entity and support the implementation of Chad's climate change programs and strategies
This readiness request intends to support Chad in addressing its key climate change needs by building the institutional capacity of the Economic and Social Development Agency (ADES) to become a Direct Access Entity of the GCF.
Chad faces various complex and multi-faceted climate risks, with physical impacts occurring at alarming levels that threaten a national catastrophe if no urgent and adequate actions are undertaken. As a least developed country, climate change impacts multiple economic sectors essential to the livelihood of 40% of the population living in poverty. This calls for partnerships with entities that understand the country's context to ensure the efficiency of climate investments. ADES' accreditation will position the organization as a GCF strategic partner in Chad. Chad has nominated ADES for this purpose in consultation with relevant stakeholders. This readiness grant will support ADES to advance the country's efforts in tackling climate change impacts.
Headquartered in Chad, ADES operates in various countries in the subregion. It has deep expertise in developing and implementing programmes in Chad that intersect both the development and climate change sectors with a particular focus on population displacement. This is particularly a growing issue in Chad due to the increase in climate migration from vulnerable groups in sensitive regions. ADES has several climate changes sectoral expertise and will apply its unique need-based and population-focused approach, informed by gender-sensitive strategies, to support the implementation of Chad's Country Programme and NDC.
ADES has evaluated its current policies and standards against GCF accreditation requirements. ADES does not currently meet certain GCF accreditation standards and has specific capacity gaps in its basic and specialized fiduciary standards, ESS, and Gender Policy. ADES needs support to develop and update its policy and processes to align with GCF accreditation standards and processes. Finally, ADES' staff has not been able to access training to develop improved transparency and accountability systems and develop high climate change projects that meet GCF's investment criteria.
The outcomes of the readiness request include (1) An in-depth institutional assessment to complement the initial self-evaluation undertaken and a detailed plan to support the accreditation approval process; (2) A long-term strategic plan for engaging with the GCF and supporting the NDA in executing Chad's country programme (3) Updated policies, standards, and organizational guidelines/procedures that align with GCF's basic and specialized fiduciary standards, ESS and gender policy. (4) Strengthening the capacity of staff to develop and execute high-quality climate projects that align with the GCF investment criteria and finally (5) Improve visibility of ADES' climate action through the reconstruction of its strategies and communication tools.