Strengthening institutional mechanisms for coordination and developing frameworks for low emission and climate resilient programming

Strengthening institutional mechanisms for coordination and developing frameworks for low emission and climate resilient programming
RMI stakeholders, Ministry of Finance, Priority Sectors and the Private sector, have limited capacity to effectively engage, input into and respond to national climate change planning and actions. Capacity is lacking in people resources, knowledge and information restricting RMI’s ability to maintain operations for national climate finance coordination, close gaps to meet accreditation requirements, apply climate change lens to sector plans, identify suitable mechanisms for the private sector to engage in climate finance activities and stalls progression of climate action ideas to concept notes. This limits RMI’s ability to act quickly and effectively to access climate finance whether directly or through other accredited entities.
Under this proposed project RMI aims to:
- Support institutional coordination mechanisms and related operational documents. This will include supporting the NDA with any adjustments that may arise from restructuring with the Ministry of Environment, updating internal operational documents, increasing visibility and communications from the NDA Office.
- Progress the Ministry of Finance towards accreditation to the GCF by actioning early-win actions outlined in the MoF Accreditation strategy and plan.
- Update 6 Sector Plans (Health, Infrastructure & Transport, Education, Natural Resource & Commerce, Fisheries and Internal Affairs) with applied climate change lens
- Identify suitable mechanisms for mobilizing RMI private sector in climate finance activities
- Gather data and information on potential decarbonization project options and move ideas to concept note stage.