Strengthening resilience of ecosystems and communities to climate change effects in the North Rift Valley Region of Kenya

Strengthening resilience of ecosystems and communities to climate change effects in the North Rift Valley Region of Kenya
The North rift region counties are susceptible to climate change effects making communities and their livelihoods vulnerable to climate change effects. The region faces threats in food security, water stress and unsustainable natural resource utilization, coupled with inadequate institutional frameworks in regard to planning and governance towards climate change. To address these challenges, this project seeks to improve resilience of ecosystems and communities to climate change effects in the North Rift Region. This shall be executed through the following project components:
- Restoration of catchment areas and rangelands for ecosystem services
- Investments in ecosystem compliant water infrastructure to address surface run off and flooding, and development of climate smart agriculture and land use methods
- Strengthening the capacity of county governments and communities on climate-responsive planning and resilience building.
The implementation of the above components will improve resilience of communities in the region by safeguarding their livelihoods from the effects of climate induced drought and floods hence contributing to disaster risk reduction.
The NOREB counties will be the major executing entities for the project to be implemented in partnership with relevant Government departments, institutions and stakeholders