Strengthening technical and institutional capacity of NDA and national stakeholders for climate finance and enhancing the Country Programming process in Guinea

Strengthening technical and institutional capacity of NDA and national stakeholders for climate finance and enhancing the Country Programming process in Guinea
This readiness proposal is the second of its kind. It builds on and consolidates the outcomes of the initial readiness proposal funded by the Fund, with the goal to strengthening technical and institutional capacity of NDA and national stakeholders on climate finance and enhancing the Country Programming process in Guinea In doing so, specific challenges and existing gaps that were identified during the first readiness grant, and expressed in the consultation prior to the development of this project need to be resolved. These are among other;
- Not fully operationalized NDA and team, which are limiting the level of engagement of the country with the GCF
- Lack of knowledge and understanding on the the evolving climate finance landscape and requirement, particularly the GCF.
- Weak political commitments, often inadequate institutional frameworks, and weak synergy between stakeholders, sectoral department and NDA.
- Weak coordination to build synergy and enable the mainstreaming of climate change into development policies
- Absence of reliable local climate data, for an adequate response to climate change and low capacity to collect and analyze future climate projection data at national and subnational level
- Inadequate institutional arrangement and mandate of current Nationale Directorate for Meteorology to provide bespoke climate information services
- The low visibility and weak implementation of the country program
- Lack of quality funding proposals in adaptation and mitigation fields for both public and private sectors submitted to the GCF
- The weak capacity of actors and institution to develop climate proposals that meet the standards of the different funds
- Lack of mechanisms for monitoring, review, and evaluation of climate change project and programs
To achieve this goal, strategic support is required for the NDA, national stakeholders, in order to stimulate homogeneous change within (institutions, public authorities, economic actors and populations included), in a sustainable manner. The proposal targets four outcomes as follow :
- Outcome 1.1: Country NDAs or focal points and the network/ systems that enable them to fulfil their roles, responsibilities and policy requirements are operational and effective
- Outcome 1.3: Relevant country stakeholders (which may include executing entities, civil society Organizations and private sector) have established adequate capacity, systems and networks to support the planning, programming and implementation of GCF-funded activities
- Outcome 2.1. GCF recipient countries have developed Country Programmes to guide GCF investment and programming of readiness support resources
- Outcomes 4.3: An increase in the number of quality funding proposals developed and submitted that target SIDS, LDCs and African states
It is in this logic that this readiness proposal request fits. Its objectives are transversal:
1- Equip and strengthen the capacities of the NDA, its committees and system to make them operational both institutionally and technically, with the goal of ensuring effective engagement with the GCF. This will be achieve also through the conversion of the National Meteorological Directorate into the National Meteorological Agency, which will enable a better management of climate information services in the country.
2- Capacitate and Endow stakeholders with user-friendly tools such an updated GCF’s handbook. By enhancing stakeholder engagement on climate change through a citizen’s charter on climate change to help enhance accountability and implementation of climate actions at local level.
3- Promote, operationalize, and implement Guinea’s Country program with a clear promotion strategy, based on regular monitoring and tangible actionable implementation roadmap.
4- Develop and submit three high quality concept notes to the GCF – two in public sector for adaptation and mitigation and one for private sector – and provide capacity building for relevant stakeholders and institution in origination and development of high-quality proposals.