Support green development poles to strengthen the resilience to climate change of communities, ecosystems and agro-silvopastoral production systems of municipalities in the Brakna Region in Mauritania
Support green development poles to strengthen the resilience to climate change of communities, ecosystems and agro-silvopastoral production systems of municipalities in the Brakna Region in Mauritania
The Brakna region is facing severe climatic change characterized by the decrease and poor distribution of rainfall and the increase in temperature over the years. The expected increase in temperature and rainfall variability will also have a negative impact on natural resources, including water resources and water-dependent sectors such as agriculture, livestock and forestry, and therefore negative impact on agro-pastoral production. This 4 year project will address this issue by strengthening resilience to climate change of communities, ecosystems and agro-silvopastoral production systems of municipalities in the Brakna Region in Mauritania. The budget is estimated at $9,900,000 and the project will be executed in collaboration with the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (Division of Nature Protection) and the Naforé association.