Support to the preparation of a Technology Needs Assessment and Technology Action Plans for Colombia; consolidation of climate finance capabilities of the NDA and Collegiate Body; building capacities of subnational governments and strengthening of direct access entities and nominated entities

Document cover for Support to the preparation of a Technology Needs Assessment and Technology Action Plans for Colombia; consolidation of climate finance capabilities of the NDA and Collegiate Body; building capacities of subnational governments and strengthening of direct access entities and nominated entities
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Support to the preparation of a Technology Needs Assessment and Technology Action Plans for Colombia; consolidation of climate finance capabilities of the NDA and Collegiate Body; building capacities of subnational governments and strengthening of direct access entities and nominated entities

The Readiness proposal has four main objectives: (i) support the elaboration of a sectoral Technology Needs Assessment (TNA) and four Technology Action Plans (TAPs), (ii) consolidate the climate finance capabilities of the National Designated Authority (NDA) and the Collegiate Body of Colombia, (iii) build the capacities of subnational governments, and (iv) and strengthen the operational, technical and financial management capacities of two Colombian direct access entities (DAEs) (Findeter and Fondo Acción) and one nominated entity (Bancoldex). 

The direct beneficiaries of the Readiness grant are the NDA, Collegiate Body, MinAmbiente, subnational governments, Fondo Acción, Findeter and Bancóldex. Indirect beneficiaries include line Ministries, private sector entities (including financial institutions), academia and research organizations, and civil society organization participating in the development of the TNA and TAPs.

Cover date 16 October 2023
Document type Approved readiness proposal
Fondo para la Acción Ambiental y Niñez