Women-Adapt: Enhancing women smallholder farmers´adaptive capacity and scaling up climate-resilient food production systems in Côte d’Ivoire
Women-Adapt: Enhancing women smallholder farmers´adaptive capacity and scaling up climate-resilient food production systems in Côte d’Ivoire
Smallholder farmers (of which 70% women) in the Poro Region strive to achieve or maintain food and water security due to their exposure to climate hazards (droughts and rainfall variability). The project will adopt a gender- transformative approach to strengthen farmers ́ adaptive capacity and overcome technical, organizational and financial barriers through multi- stakeholder collaboration. This will be achieved through low-impact technologies and food production diversification. MINADER and WFP will help smallholder's access weather index-insurance, financial and market services to protect and stimulate production, while MINEDD will support the shift to sustainable food production systems by monitoring the implementation of risk mitigation measures.