The Project-Specific Assessment Approach (PSAA) to Green Climate Fund (GCF) Accreditation was adopted as an update to the GCF Accreditation Framework by decision B.31/06 in March 2022. This is one of two modalities for accreditation to the GCF.
For entities not yet accredited to the GCF, PSAA is a way of partnering with the Fund for the implementation of 1 climate change project/programme. As a 3-year pilot, the PSAA began implementation in April 2023 and will accept applications until March 2026. The GCF Board approved the first funding proposal via the PSAA modality in October 2024.
For existing and potential applicants, this session will answer the question “Is PSAA the right partnership with the GCF?” It will provide an overview of eligibility criteria, accreditation obligations, funding proposal co-development and appraisal, the PSAA capacity assessment and process timelines.
Using SAP045: Scaling Up Climate Resilience Solutions for Burundian Smallholders with One Acre Fund as a case study, the discussion will highlight the opportunity for strategic partnership via the PSAA modality based on alignment of entity track record, developing country priorities, and GCF portfolio value-addition.
The session will be conducted via Zoom and will be held at the following time:
9:30 AM – 10:30 AM Korea Standard Time (KST)
Thursday, 5 December 2024
Language: English
By invitation only