GCF recognizes that significant investment is needed to build climate information, early warning, and disaster risk reduction services in order to support countries adapt to the impacts of climate change and develop transformative projects for climate action. As such, the GCF Secretariat organized the technical expert meeting with purpose of socializing elements of the conceptual framework for climate information, early warning and disaster risk reduction services strategy and guide; identifying best practices in climate information, early warning, and disaster risk reduction services investments and interventions; and gathering inputs for further development of the sector strategy and guide.

The meeting was attended by over 30 technical experts who provided substantial inputs with regards to climate information, early warning systems and disaster risk reduction related to policies and programmes in global, national, and subnational levels. Through interactive discussions, experts presented challenges and opportunities for GCF’s outcomes and impacts, building a stronger pipeline of projects, and the means of implementation for the sector.
The inputs from experts gathered at the meeting will subsequently be used to inform the Secretariat of best practices and lessons learned from other government institutions, multilateral funds, civil society organizations and research institutions. Furthermore, the outcomes of the meeting will be used to develop the climate information, early warning and disaster risk reduction services strategy and guide by the GCF Secretariat.