The first GCF regional workshop for Eastern Europe and Central Asia took place between 31 May and 2 June 2017 in Tbilisi, Georgia. It targeted 15 countries, and was organized in collaboration with the Government of Georgia. The event presented an opportunity for stronger engagement between NDAs/FPs, the Secretariat, accredited entities and other development partners, as well as to educate participants about the GCF, its operational modalities and investment framework.
The workshop allowed participants to discuss, in groups, the challenges they face in engaging with the GCF. Some of the main messages channeled back from these discussions pertain to a request for enhanced support from the GCF as follows:
- A facilitating role that goes beyond what is perceived as being provided by the existing Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme and the Project Preparation Facility of the GCF. Some examples mentioned by participants include:
- Support for the development of partnerships;
- The development of a roster of consultants to be contacted to work on readiness and Project Preparation Facility activities;
- Guidance on and tools for knowledge management, for engaging with the private sector and civil society, and for country programming; and
- Guidance on the development of GCF-eligible projects/programmes and monitoring and evaluation mechanisms; and
- A clearer definition of policies or policy-related matters (e.g. risk appetite, co-financing requirements, regional/country participation in a long-term GCF investment portfolio).
One of the aims of the workshop was to address how to promote direct access entities (DAEs) in the region. There are no DAEs already accredited by the GCF in the Eastern Europe and Central Asia regions. At the time of the workshop in Tbilisi, two countries had however nominated a total of three entities for accreditation and, in the sidelines of the workshop in Tbilisi, another three countries presented and discussed with the Secretariat their early plans for DAE nominations.
Other early outcomes from the regional Eastern Europe and Central Asia workshop include:
- A calendar for the presentation of new readiness proposals (including adaptation planning proposals) over a three month period, from the time of the workshop;
- Early stage plans to accelerate the development of country programmes; and
- Guidance provided directly to entities (accredited and potential DAEs) and to NDAs/FPs on existing project ideas and upcoming funding proposals.