GCF is holding a side event during the UNFCCC climate talks on Friday to discuss how an ambitious replenishment of GCF will support increased commitments in the next round of NDCs.
The event will take place from 1645-1815 in Conference Room Bonn, and will bring together developing country representatives including H.E. Ms Lorena Aguilar Revelo, Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs, Costa Rica, H.E. Ms Janine Felson, Ambassador, Permanent Mission of Belize to the United Nations, Mr Mohamed Nasr, Minister Plenipotentiary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Egypt, and Ms Tenzin Wangmo, Lead Negotiator, LDC Group, Chief Environment Officer, National Environment Commission, Royal Government of Bhutan. The meeting will be chaired by Yannick Glemarec, GCF Executive Director.
The meeting takes place in the margins of the SB50 climate talks in Bonn, Germany, which are preparing the ground for the annual climate talks (COP) due to take place in Santiago, Chile, at the end of the year.