The Green Climate Fund (GCF) held a country dialogue with National Designated Authorities (NDAs) and focal points to discuss strengthening support for country ownership and engagement. The informal meeting in the margins of COP 22 was chaired by GCF Board Co-Chairs Ewen McDonald (Australia) and Zaheer Fakir (South Africa) and provided an opportunity for developing countries to submit feedback and ideas to the Fund.
Participants discussed the need for greater support to NDAs in country programming, as well as ensuring early consultation in the development of concept notes, which provide initial ideas that could be developed into project proposals.
The need for capacity building for smaller countries was also raised, as a means to enhance their engagement with the Fund. Ideas to improve communications between GCF and countries included simplification of the project application process, and the provision of targeted communications tools.
Board Co-Chair Zaheer Fakir recognised the need for the Fund to provide more engaging, interactive communications with countries, as well as to provide tailored support to countries with capacity constraints. Mr. Fakir also highlighted the opportunity provided by peer learning to help empower countries.
Several countries welcomed the opportunity the dialogue provided to strengthen relations with GCF, and called for more occasions to share information. Board Co-Chair Ewen McDonald noted that the Fund is organising a series of regional workshops with NDAs and focal points. The next dialogue meeting will cover the Latin American region and will take place from 28 to 30 November in Tegucigalpa, Honduras.
Closing the meeting, Mr. McDonald noted that the next Board meeting in December would consider how to strengthen country ownership, and called for further ideas and suggestions to be submitted for consideration.