The Green Climate Fund introduces an online volunteering platform that connects interested individuals with the Fund’s National Designated Authorities (NDAs) and Direct Access Entities through a matchmaking online system. Serving as an initial prototype, the platform will be further developed with the feedback from GCF Partners.
The Direct Climate Action Platform (DCAP) is a global platform for entities and experts from across the planet to exchange knowledge, share technical expertise and foster capacity building, with the overall aim to empower local actors and entities to address major knowledge and capacity gaps to mitigate and adapt to climate change.
The platform provides an innovative concept and space for skilled and passionate individuals to volunteer on climate finance challenges and serve GCF accredited Direct Access Entities to build their capacity.
DCAP empowers individuals to assist countries and entities to meet national determined contributions, adaptation plans and develop innovative projects. It provides an online space where supply meets demand to bring the paradigm shift that is needed to respond to climate change.
The platform enables NDAs and Direct Access Entities to tap into targeted technical support from expert individuals or firms. The overall aim is to assist developing countries to access GCF resources and bring forward high quality projects and programmes.
Interested individuals can use DCAP to engage themselves in reviewing concept notes and funding proposal, making risk assessments, supporting ESS, gender, and monitoring and evaluation, or in preparing translations.