GCF publishes the tentative funding proposal schedule for B.28

  • Article type Press release
  • Publication date 11 Dec 2020

The Green Climate Fund (GCF) has published the tentative timeline for its twenty-eighth Board meeting (B.28) based on Board document GCF/B.27/14/Rev.01 considered by the Board at the twenty-seventh Board meeting (B.27). In the document, it is proposed that B.28 takes place on 16-19 March 2021 while a formal Board decision is yet to be taken on this matter. GCF acknowledges the extraordinary circumstances and fast-changing situations worldwide due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Accordingly, the tentative timeline below is subject to change depending on the decision taken by the GCF Board. The timeline lists key dates leading to the Board meetings, where the Board decides on funding proposals brought forward by GCF Accredited Entities.

Kindly note that funding proposals submitted to GCF are reviewed on a rolling-basis and the tentative review time is approximately 180 days from Funding proposal submission to the Board’s consideration. In light of various steps undertaken within the Secretariat before submission to independent TAP (including technical review, project appraisal, and endorsement processes by the Secretariat’s Climate Investment Committee), funding proposals should be submitted to the Secretariat as soon as available.


Key Milestones for B.28 (Tentative) Dates
Deadline for disclosure of ESS reports for category A and I-1 projects/programmes 13 November 2020*

Submission to the independent Technical Advisory Panel (TAP) for public and private sector

18 December 2020
independent TAP meeting (to take place virtually, subject to change) 18 to 22 January 2021
Deadline for disclosure of ESS reports for category B and I-2 projects/programmes 10 February 2021*
Publication deadline 23 February 2021
B.28 (yet to be approved by the Board) 16 to 19 March 2021

* Per paragraph 17 of GCF’s Information Disclosure Policy, the AE shall disclose the ESS report/s in English and the local language (if not English) in the project/ programme location. The report/s shall be disclosed (i) in the AE’s website, (ii) in locations convenient to affected peoples, and (iii) to the Board and active observers by way of a notification via the Secretariat. The deadline for such disclosures shall be 120 days (A or I-1) or 30 days (B or I-2) in advance of the AE’s or GCF’s Board decision, whichever is earlier.

** Please note that all funding proposals submitted since B.25 should use the latest funding proposal template. The new revised template and relevant annexes can be found on the GCF website.