The ninth of December every year is designated by the United Nations General Assembly as International Anti-Corruption Day in commemoration of the adoption of the United Nations Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC). The Green Climate Fund (GCF) joins the wider international community to mark this important day of solidarity for the promotion of the values of integrity, accountability and transparency in the management of the public trust.
On this day the GCF invites all of its partners and stakeholders to reaffirm their commitment to upholding the highest standards of integrity in support of the mandate of the GCF. By ensuring the accountable use of its resources GCF partners will help to guarantee that beneficiaries receive the full benefit of the projects and programmes that are implemented to address the adverse effects of climate change.
The Independent Integrity Unit (IIU) of the GCF investigates allegations of fraud, corruption, misconduct and other prohibited practices such as coercive and collusive practices, abuse, conflict of interest and retaliation against whistle-blowers in all GCF operations. In the exercise of its mandate, IIU promotes awareness of GCF's integrity standards among GCF’s stakeholders, including accredited entities and executing entities.
IIU is also a member of international networks of collaboration with counterpart offices in international finance institutions, multilateral development banks, UN offices and other international public institutions for operational collaboration and the sharing of best practices.
IIU takes a proactive approach to preventing the occurrence of prohibited practices by developing and proposing integrity policies and guidelines, recommending improvements to policies and procedures, and conducting proactive reviews of GCF projects and programmes.
As a feature of its independence IIU reports directly to the GCF Board. It also receives a separate budgetary allocation from the GCF Board to finance its operations.
All reports of occurrences of prohibited practices and other integrity violations (such as money laundering/terrorist financing) should be made to the IIU.