As was announced at the One Planet Summit in Paris on 12 December, the Green Climate Fund has shortlisted a number of exciting Concept Notes responding to the recent Request for Proposals for Mobilising Funds at Scale.
We received 350 responses to the RFP. On aggregate, the 258 concept notes that passed the preliminary review represent a total project cost of c. USD 43 billion, and an investment amount requested from GCF of USD 18 billion.
Following a rigorous review according to the criteria set out in the RFP, we have now shortlisted around 30 proposals. The proposals include some really exciting ideas that have the potential to be climate game changers, and to mobilise large amounts of private capital for low-emission and climate-resilient development.
These concept notes target investments in 50 developing countries, and are proposed by a range of organisations. Some are already Accredited Entities to the Fund, others are in the pipeline for accreditation, and some will be accompanied through a fast track process towards accreditation alongside the development of the project proposals.
We have contacted all of the proposers and will work with them on the next steps towards developing full funding proposals for consideration by the GCF Board.
Concept notes that were not short-listed have the opportunity to improve their proposals, and work with an Accredited Entity to reapply through the regular window.
We will be making a public announcement giving details of each of the shortlisted proposals, and of the next steps in this process, and will continue to provide updates on our RFP website: