New web features bring partners and projects in focus
The GCF website has received several significant updates to make its online presence more interactive.
The GCF website has received several significant updates to make its online presence more interactive.
The Fund's Portfolio overview showcases GCF's projects by geographic and programmatic distribution, as well as the distribution by financial instrument, access modality, and project size.
A new Project section provides a detailed overview of all projects approved by the GCF Board to date. It will serve as a main information hub for all forthcoming projects and programes that the Board will approve in the future.
Looking to the Fund’s partners, a new section for Accredited Entities provides a one-stop overview of the public and private entities that have been accredited to GCF. It features all core details related to the entity, and includes an interactive function enabling users to search and filter through all organizations and institutions that have been accredited to date.
National Designated Authorities are now listed in a new online NDS directory.