The Government of Australia and the GCF Secretariat are working together to co-host the second Green Climate Fund (GCF) regional meeting in the Pacific, which will take place from 1 to 4 August.
Hosted at the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat headquarters in Suva, the gathering will bring together relevant stakeholders to galvanise action on the GCF in the region. The meeting will be led by the Co-Chairs of the GCF Board, Mr. Ewen McDonald (Australia) and Mr. Zaheer Fakir (South Africa).
The workshop will help Pacific island countries in two ways: to build their internal capacity to access GCF funding; and to develop country-driven ideas and concepts into a pipeline of concrete funding proposals for GCF support.
The Co-Chairs will be joined by Pacific ministers, senior government officials and other invited dignitaries, including representatives of Pacific Island country National Designated Authorities (NDAs) and Focal Points, GCF Accredited Entities, delivery partners, civil society and the private sector. The Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat is playing an important role in assisting with meeting.
The GCF is already supporting Pacific Island countries to access funding and undertake low-emissions and climate-resilient development. Six Pacific Island countries have a total of USD 1.3 million in funding approved through the GCF’s Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme. In addition, the GCF Board has approved a total of USD 67 million in funding for projects in Tuvalu and Fiji.
The Pacific will also host the 15th GCF Board meeting in December of 2016. This will be a unique opportunity for Board members to see first-hand the climate needs and opportunities in the Pacific. The ambition is for some of the proposals developed at the Pacific Regional Workshop to be ready for consideration at the December GCF Board meeting in Apia, Samoa.