COP 21 Side Event – The Green Climate Fund: ‘Looking Beyond Paris’

The Green Climate Fund side event "Looking Beyond Paris" will be held on 9 December 2015.

  • Article type Press release
  • Publication date 08 Dec 2015

The Green Climate Fund side event "Looking Beyond Paris" will be held on 9 December 2015.

Expectations on the Green Climate Fund are high. The Fund is charged with playing a decisive role in channeling and catalysing climate finance, thereby supporting the achievement of UNFCCC’s climate change objectives.

So far, the Fund has mobilized around USD 10 billion equivalent, and approved its first projects last month. But what does it need to do in order to realize its ambitious mandate? And how can the Fund move forward at the speed required, while also ensuring that it chooses the right investments to drive a paradigm shift towards low-emission, climate-resilient development?

GCF presents this side event to discuss the future direction of the Fund after the Paris Conference of the Parties (COP 21).

The panel will feature Henrik Harboe and Gabriel Quijandria, outgoing Co-Chairs of the Board, alongside Zaheer Fakir and Ewan McDonald, the incoming Co-Chairs, and Héla Cheikhrouhou, GCF's Executive Director. The discussion will be moderated by OXFAM.

Come and join us for an exchange between the Fund and its stakeholders about how GCF can realize its ambition in 2016 and beyond.