Updated project and programme cycle

Main document
English |
418.01 KB
دورة المشروع والبرنامج المحدَّثة
العربية | PDF |
474.25 KB
Actualización del ciclo de los proyectos y programas
Español | PDF |
253.05 KB
Cycle de projet et de programme actualisé | Français
Français | PDF |
414.31 KB
Обновленный проектный и программный цикл
Русский | PDF |
405.75 KB
中文 | PDF |
511.23 KB
Updated project and programme cycle
Adopted by decision B.17/09. Sets out the updated project and programme cycle; it outlines the key stages, individual steps, relevant actors, as well as the various responsibilities and tasks involved in the project and programme cycle; it also sets out the requirements the entities must meet prior to submitting its funding proposal to the Board.
Cover date
06 July 2017
Document type
Policies, strategies, and guidelines
Project approval