Technical guidance and support to conduct a technology needs assessment and a technology action plan for Equatorial Guinea

Technical guidance and support to conduct a technology needs assessment and a technology action plan for Equatorial Guinea
The objective of this assistance is to develop aTNAto identify and prioritize technology transfer and diffusion for climate change mitigation and adaptation in key sectors in Equatorial Guinea. There are several sectors targeted for adaptation and mitigation in the country INDC (2015), NAPA (2013) and the Country Programme (2019), which include energy, transport, forestry, agriculture and land use change, industry and waste. Technology transfer in these sectors will certainly have impact toward reducing vulnerability of the population hence increased resilience to climate change,as well as steering the country towards a low carbon development path. As an example, GHG emissions from the energy sector represent 40% of the country’s total emissions, which could be reduced by using low carbon technologies.The TNA processoriginates in the Poznan Strategic Programme on Technology Transfer established at COP14, which had the aim of scaling up investmentin technology transfers. In this context this requested assistance will allow for the INDC implementation while also identifying, by means of the development of local content, the low-carbon and adaptation technologies needed for the country’s sustainable growth.