

GCF has an independent Secretariat, accountable to the Board, and it is responsible for executing the daily operations of the Fund.

Today, the Secretariat has more than 300 personnel at its headquarters in the Republic of Korea, with some support provided offsite in other countries.

With close to a 50:50 balance between men and women, 61 nationalities, and many more languages spoken, GCF's diversity reflects the global nature of the climate challenge.


The Secretariat is composed of Offices that report to the Office of the Executive Director. The Offices oversee various Departments.


  • Office of the Executive Director
  • Office of the Chief Strategy and Impact Officer
  • Office of the Chief Investment Officer
  • Office of the Chief Operating Officer
  • Office of the Chief Finance and Risk Officer
  • Office of Governance Affairs
  • Office of the General Counsel
  • Office of the Internal Auditor


  • Department of Strategy, Policy, and Innovation
  • Department of Partnerships and Resource Mobilisation
  • Department of Communications
  • Department of Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning
  • Department of the Africa Region
  • Department of the Asia and Pacific Region
  • Department of the Eastern Europe, Central Asia, ad the Middle East Region
  • Department of the Latin America and the Caribbean Region
  • Department of the Private Sector Facility
  • Department of Investment Services
  • Department of Strategic Investment Partnerships and Co-Investments
  • Department of People and Culture
  • Department of Information Technology
  • Department of Corporate Services
  • Department of Finance
  • Department of Risk Management