GCF/B.26/Inf.02: Advisory report of the Independent Redress Mechanism: Prevention of Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Harassment in GCF projects or programmes (P&PrSEAH): Learning from the World Bank’s Inspection Panel

GCF/B.26/Inf.02: Advisory report of the Independent Redress Mechanism: Prevention of Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Harassment in GCF projects or programmes (P&PrSEAH): Learning from the World Bank’s Inspection Panel
Paragraph 16 of the Independent Redress Mechanism’s (IRM’s) Terms of Reference (decision B.BM-2017/10), stipulates that the IRM will “…report to the Board on lessons learned and insights gained from handling cases…and from good international practices, and may recommend reconsideration of relevant policies, procedures, guidelines and systems of the GCF, including environmental and social safeguards.”
Two recent cases of the World Bank’s Inspection Panel raised significant issues around sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment in projects and programmes (P&PrSEAH) funded by the Bank. Since then, the World Bank has made several policy and systems reforms to prevent a repetition of P&PrSEAH. Accordingly, in pursuance of the IRM’s mandate, the IRM is submitting this Advisory Report as an information document on the “Prevention of Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Harassment in GCF projects or programmes (P&PrSEAH): Learning from the World Bank’s Inspection Panel cases” based on good international practice to the Board. The Secretariat management response is contained in the addendum to this report.