Developing a GHG and SLCP monitoring network for enhanced compliance & enforcement of emission standards and improved climate change reporting

Developing a GHG and SLCP monitoring network for enhanced compliance & enforcement of emission standards and improved climate change reporting
Enforcement of emissions regulation in Kenya is greatly hindered by the limited capacity to continuously monitor ambient air pollution, which limits the development of appropriate policy and legal instruments to curtails the emissions. This challenge will be more pronounced in the future as the economy grows and emissions sources increase. The proposed project therefore aims at establishing an emissions monitoring network that will monitor Greenhouse Gases (GHG), Short Lived Climate Pollutants (SLCP) and other air pollutants of interest. This network will help gather data on emission status to support regulations enforcement, inform emission reduction policy and regulatory action and at the same time improve on the Country's reporting obligations to the UNFCCC.
To effectively achieve this, the project adopts a systems approach to the emissions challenge, and has four main objectives which include; the establishment of an air quality monitoring network in Nairobi and its environs, design and development of emission and atmospheric transport models for the city and its environs; institutional strengthening and strategic communication with all the stakeholders.
The implementation approach will ensure the sustainability of the project beyond the project duration. Key implementers will include government agencies with a mandate on climate change and air quality in the country. These include the National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) and the Kenya Meteolorogical Department (KMD) and the climate change secretariat (CCS) based at the ministry of Environment and forestry (ME&F). The project will also work closely with the Counties of Nairobi, Kiambu, Machakos and Kajiado which are within the Nairobi metropolitan region.